The K12 Research for Equity Hub
In spring 2022, EduDream launched the K12 Research for Equity Hub (The Hub), a multi-year actionable research initiative generating evidence to advance policy dialogue on K12 education accountability and assessment systems. In its first year, or Cycle 1, The Hub supported this among three other research projects. Choice-filled Lives Network offers insight into human flourishing design principles and practices in schools and students’ well-being and academic success.
Published by Choice-filled Lives Network
In Ecosystem Level Predictors of Student Flourishing in Diverse Student Populations, CLN examines eight human flourishing design principles—evidence-based environmental factors and experiences that promote student engagement, learning, and flourishing—that provide state and district leaders with a foundation for cultivating a more equitable and inclusive educational assessment and accountability system. Learn how the presence of human-flourishing design principles in schools is positively impacting students’ well-being and their academic outcomes.