Our Framework

EduDream combines Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation (CREE) principles and rigorous research methods to produce insights that catalyze impactful action.

Our Process

EduDream approaches every partnership in a collaborative manner and embeds CREE principles across our work.

Our Work

High-quality, rigorous, and accessible work that will empower and motivate you to make decisions grounded in equity and evidence-based practices.

Our Services

Collaborative research that elevates the voices of racially and economically diverse students, families, and communities.

The Hub

A multi-year, actionable research initiative generating evidence to advance policy dialogue on K12 education.

EduDream - About Us

About Us

EduDream is a Latina-founded, women-owned, and equity-focused research consulting firm that partners with nonprofits, foundations, and education institutions to provide culturally responsive and community-centered research and strategy. Led by a team of experts, EduDream redefines what’s possible for education research.

Thornburg Foundation

Our recommendations helped lead to the creation of the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department

EduDream - Featured Insight

The Project Background

In 2011, the Early Childhood Care and Education Act (or Senate Bill 120) was passed, requiring the establishment of a comprehensive early childhood care and education system in New Mexico, which included alignment among state and private programs. The legislative bill also created the state’s Early Learning Advisory Council (ELAC).  

Because of this new bill, ELAC needed to understand community needs before funding early childhood programs to prevent duplication of efforts and saturation of services. 

To implement and improve upon its recommendations, ELAC sought to better understand how early childhood programs, specifically those serving three- and four-year-old children in New Mexico, such as PreK and Head Start, are currently coordinating state and federal funding.

The Project Goals

The Thornburg Foundation commissioned EduDream to partner with ELAC to conduct research and generate policy recommendations. Specifically, our research examined the allocation of federal and state early childhood funds and identified strategies to ensure state funds reach areas of high need without supplanting federal funding.  

Three overarching research questions guided the data collection and analysis: 

  1. How are funding decisions around Head Start and PreK made in other states?
  2. What strategies and best practices can PED and CYFD adopt to ensure more efficient and effective fund allocation? 
  3. What are best practices from other states to maximize enrollment in high-quality Head Start, PreK, and child care programs?

The Project Outcome

To conduct this research, EduDream reviewed secondary data sources and documents, including state agency documents and data, and interviewed state agency leaders, PreK providers, and Head Start providers across New Mexico.

EduDream created case studies and policy recommendations to improve and expand the coordination of early childhood services and funding. EduDream’s findings and recommendations, along with other consulting research projects, led to the creation of the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Care Department.